Sunday, 27 October 2013

Playground Project

The Community Playground Project Committee has just received a cheque from the Galbraith Trust for £1349 to purchase picnic tables for the new children’s playground facility.

Local Mum is a Born Survivor

Local mum Catherine Harrison recently braved the legendary Born Survivor assault course and raised an amazing £258 for the B-l-S Community Playground Project.  Well done Catherine, you really are a "Born Survivor"!

Firework Display

Come and see the fantastic firework display on Saturday November 2.  Gates will open at 6.00pm; the bonfire will be lit at 6.45pm and the fireworks at 7.15pm.  Entry on the night will be £4.  In the interests of safety no private sparklers or fireworks are allowed on the field. Main Street will be closed to prevent traffic congestion.
Dr Who is coming to Bolton-le-Sands!
Yes it's true! Dr Who will be visiting Bolton-le-Sands in the near future. Here's what you need to know:
On Friday November 8 from 7.00 - 8.30pm in Bolton-le-Sands Library Dr Who will perform a story written by a local child.
Will YOU be the author?? If you are in a KS2 class (Classes 6 - 10) and would like to enter the competition, please write a story and hand it to Jacky at BLS Library before the closing date of November 2.  As well as the story there will also be 'monster mask making' and a DR Who quiz. It all sounds fantastic!
Further information and FREE TICKETS are available from Bolton-le-Sands Library.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Bolton le Sands Entertains!
Do you enjoy entertaining? Do you have a talent you would like to share - on your own or as part of a group? Then come and be part of 'Bolton le Sands Entertains' on the 7th of December in the Community Centre. A night of fun for all ages, to raise money for the Community Playground Project. For further details please contact either Emma at or Cath at
Walney Windfarm - The team at DONG Energy is holding an exhibition to update local communities about the final proposals for the Walney Extension at The Forum, 28 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness from 13.00-19.00 hrs on Tuesday 22nd October 2013. 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Junior Church meets at the Old Boy’s Grammar School on Sundays at 10.15am.  All children aged 3 – 7 years will be made very welcome; as with Rock Solid who meet in the Scout Hut on Sundays at 10.00am.  All junior (KS2) children are invited to come along.

Do you like working with children?  The Primary School is looking to add to their team of Welfare Assistants who work at lunch-times to manage the children during their lunch break.  Anyone who enjoys working with children, this might be the opportunity for you.  Please contact the school for more information.
The new school sports kit has arrived.  Many thanks to Bolton-le-Sands Parish Council; The FOBLES, Waters and Atkinson Ltd,  Wright and Lord Ltd., Burton and Fisher Ltd., Bowker Electrical Ltd., VMC Developments Ltd.,  Mr and Mrs J Wright and Mr & Mrs K Hobbs for their kind sponsorship. 

Tim Cross sends thanks on behalf of the school and Holy Trinity Church to everyone who has sent in donations of food, toiletries etc for use by the Morecambe Food Bank.  If anyone would like to make a donation, Holy Trinity Church will be collecting items throughout the month of October.  A donation can be made directly to the Church or via school.

The church is having a Birthday Party to celebrate its 200 years on the present site and this will take place on Sunday October 27 at morning worship.
Preparations for the annual village bonfire and firework display are progressing well. This year's display will be on Saturday November 2. Gates will open at 6.00 p.m.  Tickets are now available from local shops at £3.  Entry on the night is £4. The bonfire will be lit at 6.45 p.m. and the fireworks at 7.15 p.m. In the interests of safety no private sparklers or fireworks are allowed on the field. Main Street will be subject to a road closure notice to prevent traffic congestion issues.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Shaping A Better Future
Lancaster City Council has now published a Development Management Plan and Morecambe Area Action Plan.  These documents have now reached the formal 'Publication' Stage and the Council is now inviting representations from interested parties on their soundness in relation to national planning guidance and legal compliance.  Drop-In Events have been arranged for Thursday 17th October at Hornby Institute, Tuesday 22nd October Lancaster Library, Monday 28th October at Carnforth Library and Thursday 31st October at Morecambe Library; all from 2 - 7pm where Council Officers will be available to answer questions.  Representations must be made using the formal representation forms and must be received by Lancaster City Council no later than 5.00pm on Thursday 21st November 2013.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Bolton-le-Sands Horticultural Society is holding its 66th Annual Autumn Show on Saturday 19th October from 2pm-4pm in the Community Centre.

Friday, 11 October 2013

The B-l-S WI are holding a charity evening in aid of Bolton-le-Sands Community Playground Project, The Air Ambulance and The Renal Patients' Association on Saturday 9 November 2013, Bolton-le-Sands Village Hall @ 7.30pm.  The Library Theatre Touring Company presents Happy Jack by John Godber.  Tickets:  £5 - contact Daniella Khan on 01524 822901.
"It will leave you with a warm glow in your heart"
Footpath No. 20 from Packet Bridge on Main Road has been closed to the public.  The closure is necessary because of the likelihood of danger to the public due to the dangerous condition of the retaining wall structure by the side of the Lancaster canal.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Changes to Bus Services – November 2013
555 Lancaster - Kendal - Keswick
From 4 November 2013 Stagecoach in Cumbria will revise the timetable making a minor timing adjustment to the 0745 Monday to Friday journey from Grasmere to Lancaster to improve reliability.
For information about local bus services check out the online journey planner

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Winter Bowling Permits are now available from Geoff Forrest 824346 only £15.

The Lancaster Music Festival is being held from October 11th - 13th with over 140 acts and more than 30 venues.  More information can be found at

The village Post Office is to be changed to one of the new main style branches.  As part of a three-year investment and support programme, the Post Office, with the subpostmaster’s agreement, will be converting around 6,000 branches (about half the Post Office network) to new style branches.  Their aim is to create a more modern and convenient retail experience for customers, which will include longer opening hours.  The new look Post Office is scheduled to open at the current location on Monday November 18 at 13.00hrs.  It will need to close for refurbishment on Thursday October 31 at 17.30hrs.  Posters will now be displayed in branch so customers are aware of the change, and leaflets will also be available containing more information.

A science explorer event was held at Carnforth High School recently.  In two events, sleuth forensic detectives, Maisie, Nancy, Joe and Tobey who represented Bolton-le-Sands Primary School were winners and runners-up.

The wonderful St Laurence Singers will entertain at the United Reformed Church Bolton-le-Sands on Tuesday October.15 at 7.30pm. Entrance fee is £5 at the door or tickets can be purchased in advance from Mrs Park 823096 or Mrs Towers 735406.