Monday, 20 October 2014

Holy Trinity's 'Boden' party - 28 October 2014

Fancy trying Boden's new winter range?
Boden's are bringing their lovely new winter range to Holy Trinity Church in a special clothes party to raise funds for the 'Raise the Roof, Open the Door' appeal.  The party is from 1pm until 8pm on Tuesday 28 October 2014 in Church.
There will be a large selection of the new winter range for men, women and children. Everything is being sold with a fantastic 20% discount and there will be free deliveries and returns.  Boden have generously agreed to donate a commission from each sale to the appeal.
There will be light refreshements and a raffle - one of the prizes will be a £50 Boden voucher.

Nearly New Sale

A date for your diary:  on Saturday 22 November the FOBLES will be hosting a Nearly New Sale in the school hall.  The sale will be for CLOTHES ONLY (aged 0yrs - 14yrs).  The sale will take place from 1.00 - 3.00pm but people who wish to sell clothing items will need to come along in the morning.  If you do wish to sell items, please contact Clare Lockwood (07742 947655) or Linda Kennedy.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Doorstep Calling

Residents are urgently warned about two men in their 30s/40s (one in a suit wearing glasses, one casually dressed) who have been doorstep cold calling on older residents in the Skelmersdale area and claiming to be from the council.
Trading Standards advice is:-
• Do not do business on the doorstep
• Keep doors and windows locked to prevent unauthorised entry
• Do not let strangers into the house without checking their credentials - put the chain on or close the door,
leaving cold callers outside whilst you do this.
Contact the Trading Standards Service via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06

Friday, 3 October 2014

Youth Group at Holy Trinity

A new youth group to give anyone at High School the chance to chat about the questions we all face in life, with friends over food.  Please e-mail for more information.

Story or Songs for Babies and Toddlers

at Holy Trinity Church on the first Wednesday of every month at 11.00am.

Flu Vaccination Programme 2014

If you are; over 65, pregnant, diagnosed with chronic illness, immune-suppressed, registered carer, live in a residential care or are a health care worker, then you are eligible.  Call in or ring Ash Trees Surgery to make an appointment.