Monday, 30 March 2015

From the FOBLES

Great news!  The Race Night held recently at the County Hotel in Carnforth raised a fabulous total of £1626.65

Easter Worship

Good Friday
At 10.00am on Good Friday, Holy Trinity will be open to children and families for worship, crafts and music. This will be a child-centred event that will appeal to many families.
Easter Day
Easter Day will begin at 7.00am with a fire that will be lit on the shore near Archer's cafe. This 'first fire of Easter' will be used to light candles signifying the glory of the resurrection. Following this, bacon butties and hot drinks will be served in Archer's. What an excellent way for early risers to begin Easter Day.
The main Easter service will be held at Holy Trinity later in the morning at the usual time of 10.30am.

Election of Parish Councillors

To become a Parish Councillor, simply collect your nomination papers from the Returning Officer at Lancaster Town Hall any time between 9.30am to 4.30pm  Monday to Friday.   Completed papers must be returned to the Committee Room C, Town Hall, Lancaster no later than 4pm on Thursday 9th April 2015.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Lenten Lunch

Holy Trinity Church will hold a Lenten lunch in Church on Wednesday April 1 – soup, bread and cheese £6. This will follow the MU coffee morning in the Old Boys’ School.

Dance School

Join Alysia Gilda and pupils at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Bolton-le-Sands when she opens the doors to her Dance School on Saturday March 28. She invites children from the age of 3 to join in the dance classes and enjoy meeting new friends and their parents. Pre-school 9.30am; Reception 10.00 and Year 1 10.45. Please contact Miss Gilda on 822207 or Facebook page to register your interest.

Easter Bingo

Come along to the Easter Bingo organised by Bolton-le-Sands Angling Club.  There are good prizes and all are welcome.  Be in the Community Centre on Thursday 2nd April at 7.00pm for 7.30pm for a great night.

Parish Annual Assembly

The Chairman invites all residents of Bolton-le-Sands to the Annual Assembly.  This is Your Meeting where you can have a say in matters relating to Bolton-le-Sands and raise any issues of interest.  Please come along to the Community Centre on Thursday 26th March at 7.30pm to exercise your right to participate in local democracy.  Refreshments provided courtesy of the W.I.

Saturday, 7 March 2015


The library is closing at the end of March until July for refurbishment.  You can change your book at any Lancashire library until Bolton-le-Sands reopens.