Monday, 21 September 2015

How should we plan for our district's future?

New evidence suggests that the District Council should plan for around 9,500 jobs and 13,000 new homes for the years up to 2031 to provide for our growing and changing community.  Have your say on potential sites.  Come along to a Drop-In event.  Tuesday 27th October at the Carnforth Heritage Centre or Wednesday 28th October in Slyne Memorial Hall 2pm to 7pm  To find out more, please visit the 'October 2015 Local Plan' web page.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Separating the Salt from the Sand

Morecambe Bay Partnership is running a special public talk exploring and rediscovering Morecambe Bay’s forgotten salt industry in October.

Andrew Fielding, an expert in salt-making, will be exploring the tradition and forgotten industry of salt production. In pre-historic and historic times salt was won from the sea all around the North West coast and is an important part of Morecambe Bay’s heritage. Participants will discover more about the techniques used in the salt-making process and how the industry developed and disappeared over time in Morecambe Bay.

Susannah Bleakley, Director of Morecambe Bay Partnership said: “Morecambe Bay has a long history of salt-making which forms part of its industrial heritage. This is a rare opportunity to discover much more about this unique and fascinating process from one of the UK’s leading experts in the field.”

The event takes place from 2pm on Saturday 3 October at Gaskell Village Hall in Silverdale. Tickets are £2. To book online (using Eventbrite) and for more information follow the link at

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Autumn Plant Sale and Talk

Dr T Piearce of the Bolton le Sands Horticultural Society will be presenting a talk on “Victorian Plant Hunters” at their Autumn Coffee evening,. Come and join them at the United Reform Church from 7pm Friday 18th September. Along with their guest speaker there will be refreshments and a raffle. There will be stalls selling autumn bedding plants and spring bulbs, a bric-a-brac stall and a cake stall.

Coffee Morning

Enjoy a catch up with local news and events over a cup of tea or coffee in the Community Centre on Thursday 17th September from 9.45am until 11.15am.  It's only a £1 and all proceeds will go to Holy Trinity Church Funds.  There will be lots to buy, cakes, jams, cards, books and of course the all important raffle.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Pet Service

On Sunday 20th September, the 10.30am service at Holy Trinity will be a family service to which people are invited to bring their pets of all shapes and sizes for a thanksgiving.  If you don't want to bring your pet with you, or if your pet is no longer with us, you can bring a photograph.  Teddy bears and other cuddly toys are also welcome.

Honorary Alderman

Congratulations to our Chairman, Councillor Keith Budden who was awarded the title of Honorary Alderman at Lancaster City Council's meeting in July.