Monday, 19 February 2018

555 Service Lancaster to Keswick

From 24 March 2018 Stagecoach in Cumbria will revise the timetable, adjusting a number of journeys for the summer season.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Glazing Warranties

Many Lancashire residents have been sold warranties on their double glazed windows or doors. These typically offer annual maintenance and cleaning, and may cost thousands. Sometimes they are re-sold or "improved" on annual sales visits, at extra cost. While selling such warranties is not illegal, it is advisable to think twice before signing up to such contracts- is there anything included that your local window cleaner or locksmith could not do when required at a fraction of the price?

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Trading Standards - Insulation Sellers

Insulation sellers have recently been cold calling in East Lancashire, claiming they can provide grants for free cavity wall insulation. We have received reports that false claims have been made about signing up neighbours, or traders working with local authorities. Some houses pitched to do not even have cavity walls. Residents should note that while grants are available for some energy efficiency works, only those on universal/ tax/ pension credits, and certain kinds of jobseekers/ employment/ income support or allowance are eligible.