Monday, 15 October 2018

Applications for co-option onto the Parish Council are warmly invited.

Would you like to take an active part in the decision-making process of the Parish Council and to represent the interests of the whole community?  Then why not apply for the current vacancy on the Parish Council by writing to: The Clerk to the Council No. 2 The Shore, Bolton-le-Sands to arrive no later than 5pm Wednesday 31st October 2018.   Anyone interested must meet one of the following criteria:
1. Be a registered local government elector for the parish 
2. Their principal or only place of work in the twelve months preceding the day on which the person is nominated as a candidate has been in the Parish; 
3. Having during the whole of the twelve months preceding the day of nomination occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the Parish; or 
4. Have during the whole of the twelve months preceding the day of nomination resided in the Parish or within 4.8 kilometres (3 miles) of the Parish Boundary. 
Disqualifications for being a Councillor include: a) Being subject to a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order b) In the previous five years, conviction for any offence carrying a sentence of not less than three months without the option of a fine. c) Disqualification for corrupt or illegal election practice.

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