Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Health chiefs across Morecambe Bay are urging people not to put off getting help when they need it.

The message is: “we’re open, let us help you”. There is a worry that people are putting themselves or their loved ones at risk by not seeking urgent help when it’s needed. The people of Morecambe Bay have been brilliant at staying home to save lives, but if you or someone you are with shows signs of a serious, life-threatening Illness or injury they must go to hospital. There’s a worry that people who may be experiencing a heart attack or stroke are putting off coming to hospital. A&E attendances at our three hospitals are now 66% fewer than the same time last year. The NHS is under immense pressure, but these illnesses and diseases haven’t gone away. All of our NHS services are still open and anyone suffering with a health issue and has doubts should not hesitate to seek help. We would rather they called 999 or attended an A&E to find an honest mistake has been made than be too late to save a person's life. People can be nervous at the best of times about coming into hospital, and we understand the feeling of uncertainty right now during the Coronavirus pandemic. The Doctors and Nurses may look a little different at the moment, but it’s for everyone’s safety. If you are seriously ill, please don’t let that put you off coming to hospital for an emergency. We have COVID-free areas to look after people with different needs.

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