Friday, 10 July 2020

Helping to keep Lancashire moving....

You can have your say on your roads and transport locally by completing a short survey. As part of a new campaign to promote the work of their highways service, Lancashire County Council is encouraging people to complete the National Highways and Transport (NHT) survey, which measures public satisfaction with services across different local authorities.
The campaign will also focus on their work maintaining Lancashire's roads, this year the team will fix around 36,000 potholes and resurface 175 miles of roads. But following a wet and stormy winter the council are finding more potholes than usual this year, so they are also asking people to help them by reporting potholes their website.
In 2020/21, the county council will spend £26m to maintain our 4,600 miles of highways and 5,300 miles of footways. They are continuously introducing new techniques to fix potholes and supplement the traditional repair teams. They have also introduced a new deep insitu recycling process for resurfacing and this year will recycle 19,000 tonnes of asphalt in resurfacing our roads. At 20 tonnes per wagon load that’s an amazing 900 loads diverted from landfill and 1800 return journeys eliminated.
Find out more about how Lancashire's roads are improving and complete the survey at

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